Title IX: Sexual Assault, Misconduct and Gender Discrimination Resources

What is Title IX?

Title IX provides protection against gender-based discrimination. Klamath Community College is committed to creating a learning and working environment that ensures equal access and opportunity to education and resources for all students, free of bias, discrimination, and harassment. This includes:

  • Sexual assault/misconduct
  • Sexual harassment
  • Domestic and dating violence
  • Stalking
  • Gender discrimination (including gender-based bullying)
  • Discrimination against pregnant and parenting students
  • Hazing
  • Retaliation against reporters of any of the above
KCC understands that sexual violence can undermine students’ academic success, and we encourage students who have experienced any form of sexual misconduct or discrimination to  get the support they need by talking to someone about their experience.

What is our goal?

  1. Investigation: Thorough, Reliable, Impartial
  2. Process: Prompt, Effective, Equitable
  3. Remedies: End the discrimination, prevent its recurrence, remedy the effects upon the victim and community
If you have experienced or observed sexual violence/assault, harassment, or discrimination of any kind, you can make a report here, or you may contact the manager of human resources at

24-Hour Crisis Line: Students are encouraged to contact the Klamath Crisis Center at 541-884-0390 for support and assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

For more information on local and national resources related to sexual assault and discrimination, see the Resources for Support page.

Current Organization

Title IX Coordinator

  • Josh Guest, Executive Director Legal and Human Resources

Title IX Investigator

  • Erica Olson, Human Resources Manager

Title IX appeals will be handled by an appropriate campus executive.