What is Title IX?
Title IX provides protection against gender-based discrimination. Klamath Community College is committed to creating a learning and working environment that ensures equal access and opportunity to education and resources for all students, free of bias, discrimination, and harassment. This includes:
- Sexual assault/misconduct
- Sexual harassment
- Domestic and dating violence
- Stalking
- Gender discrimination (including gender-based bullying)
- Discrimination against pregnant and parenting students
- Hazing
- Retaliation against reporters of any of the above
What is our goal?
- Investigation: Thorough, Reliable, Impartial
- Process: Prompt, Effective, Equitable
- Remedies: End the discrimination, prevent its recurrence, remedy the effects upon the victim and community
24-Hour Crisis Line: Students are encouraged to contact the Klamath Crisis Center at 541-884-0390 for support and assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
For more information on local and national resources related to sexual assault and discrimination, see the Resources for Support page.
Current Organization
Title IX Coordinator
- Josh Guest, Executive Director Legal and Human Resources
Title IX Investigator
Erica Olson, Human Resources Manager
Title IX appeals will be handled by an appropriate campus executive.