Who is the wellness committee?
Comprised of staff and faculty from a wide variety of departments at the College, the Wellness Committee provides leadership, planning, and event management to improve the quality of life for the KCC campus community in all aspects of wellbeing.
- We envision a better, healthier future for our community.
- We envision a growing awareness of and participation in healthy activities and behaviors for staff faculty at KCC.
- We envision the college growing into a role of leading by example to increase wellness activities and opportunities for future generations of students and the community.
- We envision growing into roles that support our Physical, Social, Emotional, and Financial wellbeing.
- We envision our activities fostering a college-wide sense of community, camaraderie, and wellbeing.
- Leverage funding opportunities from community, regional, or national partners through Grants or other options.
- Accomplish physical changes to the college campus that will be used sustainably by faculty, staff, and/or students.
- Accomplish physical changes in the long run to the college campus that will be sustainable for use by the general public.
- Attain at least one grant within three years.
- Hold a wellness event at least once each term, minimum 4 per year.
- Design a modular plan for a campus walking trail that may be constructed in segments.
- Design in coordination with Art Committee to include artistic elements.
Explore Wellness at KCC