Explore Workforce and Community Education Programs
KCC Workforce and Community Education offers a wide variety of non-credit, personal enrichment and workforce classes.
Explore Workforce and Community Education Programs
High School Equivalency Program (HEP)
HEP is a federally funded program designed to support migrant and seasonal farmworkers (or immediate family members) in obtaining the equivalent of a high school diploma.
High School Equivalency Program (HEP)
Klamath Center for Education and Training (K-CET)
K-CET is an Adult Basic Education and GED test prep center specializing in preparing students to take GED tests and earn a GED certificate or improve their English Language skills.
Klamath Center for Education and Training (K-CET)
American English Language Institute (AELI)
The KCC American English Language Institute (AELI) is a premier language learning institute for international students looking to study at Klamath Community College.
American English Language Institute (AELI)
Small Business Development Center
The SBDC serves innovators, entrepreneurs and small to medium for-profit businesses with two primary services: confidential no-cost business advising and training.
Small Business Development Center

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Want to see current term course offerings? View our online course schedule.

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