The KCC Learning Resource Center is located in two buildings. The library and Tutoring Center are on the second floor of Founders Hall. The Testing Center is in Building 3, room 355. We are here to help you be successful.
LRC Policies and Procedures
The library provides online full-text access to more than 15,000 magazines and journals, as well as e-books, newspapers, films, audio files, and other documents. The library’s in-house collection consists of more than 7,000 books and videos.
The Tutoring Center offers supplemental instruction in math, physics, biology, chemistry, computers, writing, anatomy and physiology, and more. Tutoring is available on a drop-in basis or by appointment.
The Testing Center is an authorized test center for State of Oregon licensing, PearsonVue, PSI, GED and many other test providers. The Center facilitates college placement/testing as well as many career related certification exams