Board of Education

The Board consists of seven members: five members are elected by geographical zone, and two are elected at large. There is also one non-voting student member of the Board. Meetings are currently held the fourth Tuesday of each month, starting at 6 pm. Please see the Board Policy for more information.

Board Members

Kate Marquez

Kate Marquez

Zone 1 - Pacific Terrace and downtown areas.
Kenneth Decrans

Kenneth Decrans

Zone 2 - Moyina Heights and areas north of Hwy 140 towards Bly.
Misty Buckley

Misty Buckley

Zone 3 - Southeast Klamath Falls and the Henley area, and the northern portion of Lake County.
Dave Jensen

Dave Jensen

Zone 4 - South suburb and west of Summers Lane, east of Hwy 97 and south of S. 6th Street.
Linda Dill

Linda Dill

Zone 5 - Lakeshore Drive, the Orindale area towards Keno.
Ray Holliday

Raymond Holliday

Zone 6 - At large

Richard Harrington

Zone 7 - At large
Jacob Gonzales

Jacob Gonzales

ASKCC President (Non-Voting Student Board Member)

Board of Education Subcommittee Appointments

Oregon Community College Association (OCCA)
Representative: Kate Marquez

Oregon Community College Association (OCCA) Legislative
Representative: Kate Marquez

Klamath Community College
Foundation Board

Representative: Kenneth DeCrans

Public Meetings Law Grievance Process

In compliance with Oregon’s Public Meetings Law, Klamath Community College (KCC) provides a formal grievance process for addressing alleged violations by the KCC Board of Education. Individuals may submit written grievances via email, in-person or U.S. mail (see below for specifics). Submissions are accepted during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Grievances must be filed within 30 days of the alleged violation, as stipulated by Oregon Administrative Rules.

  1. Email Shannon Childs, Executive Assistant to the President and Board of Education
  2. In-person delivery: Drop-off at Klamath Community College, 7390 S. 6th Street, Klamath Falls, OR, Founders Hall, Room 9220
  3. Mail to: 

The Office of the President
Klamath Community College
7390 S. 6th Street
Klamath Falls, OR 97603