Cultural Competency

KCC Access for All

  • KCC has a longstanding history of addressing the needs of underserved and underrepresented populations in our community. The college is a secure and supportive environment for the success of all individuals, regardless of their backgrounds.
  • KCC envisions a student body and workforce with greater variety in life experiences.
  • KCC strives to remove barriers in all systems and interactions with students and the wider community.
  • KCC will offer ongoing activities and training programs to enhance employee cultural competence.

For questions regarding Cultural Competency activities at KCC contact:

Charles Massie, Vice-President of External Programs

State of Oregon Cultural Competency Standard

“Cultural competency” is the understanding of how institutions and individuals can respond respectfully and effectively to people from all cultures, economic statuses, language backgrounds, races, ethnic backgrounds, disabilities, religions, genders, gender identifications, sexual orientations, veteran statuses and other characteristics in a manner that recognizes, affirms and values the worth, and preserves the dignity, of individuals, families and communities.

Summary of Oregon HB 2864: