Completed Non-Instructional Department Reviews
Three non-instructional departments piloted department reviews in 2016. This work led to a five-year department review cycle for all KCC departments with a strategic plan. Non-instructional department review documents can be requested by contacting the Assessment and Curriculum Coordinator.
Non-Instructional Program Review Documents
- Bookstore_17-18_Action Plan.pdf
- Bookstore_17-18_Program Review.pdf
- Bookstore_17-18_Survey Results.pdf
- Bookstore_22-23_Action Plan.pdf
- Bookstore_22-23_Program Review.pdf
- Bookstore_22-23_Survey Results.pdf
- Business Office_20-21_Action Plan.pdf
- Business Office_20-21_Program Review.pdf
- Business Office_20-21_Survey Results.pdf
- Career Services Center_22-23_Action Plan.pdf
- Career Services Center_22-23_Program Review.pdf
- Career Services Center_22-23_Survey Results.pdf
- Center for Teaching and Learning_18-19_Action Plan.pdf
- Center for Teaching and Learning_18-19_Program Review.pdf
- Center for Teaching and Learning_18-19_Survey Results.pdf
- Center for Teaching and Learning_23-24_Action Plan.pdf
- Center for Teaching and Learning_23-24_Program Review.pdf
- Center for Teaching and Learning_23-24_Survey Results.pdf
- Community Education_17-18_Action Plan.pdf
- Community Education_17-18_Program Review.pdf
- Community Education_17-18_Survey Results.pdf
- Community Education_23-24_Action Plan.pdf
- Community Education_23-24_Program Review.pdf
- Community Education_23-24_Survey Results.pdf
- Facilities_20-21_Program Review.pdf
- Facilities_20-21_Survey Results.pdf
- Financial Aid_17-18_Action Plan.pdf
- Financial Aid_17-18_Program Review.pdf
- Financial Aid_17-18_Survey Results.pdf
- Financial Aid_22-23_Action Plan.pdf
- Financial Aid_22-23_Program Review.pdf
- Financial Aid_22-23_Survey Results.pdf
- Grants Resource Development_19-20_Action Plan.pdf
- Grants Resource Development_19-20_Program Review.pdf
- Grants Resource Development_19-20_Survey Results.pdf
- Grants Resource Development_23-24_Action Plan.pdf
- Grants Resource Development_23-24_Program Review.pdf
- Grants Resource Development_23-24_Survey Results.pdf
- Information Services_18-19_Action Plan.pdf
- Information Services_18-19_Program Review.pdf
- Information Services_18-19_Survey Results.pdf
- Institutional Research_20-21_Program Review.pdf
- Institutional Research_20-21_Survey Results.pdf
- KCET_21-22_Action Plan.pdf
- KCET_21-22_Program Review.pdf
- KCET_21-22_Survey Results.pdf
- Lake and Rural Oregon_18-19_Program Review.pdf
- Lake and Rural Oregon_18-19_Survey Results.pdf
- Learning Resource Center_21-22_Action Plan.pdf
- Learning Resource Center_21-22_Program Review.pdf
- Learning Resource Center_21-22_Survey Results.pdf
- Marketing_17-18_Action Plan.pdf
- Marketing_17-18_Program Review.pdf
- Marketing_17-18_Survey Results.pdf
- Outreach and Recruitment_18-19_Action Plan.pdf
- Outreach and Recruitment_18-19_Program Review.pdf
- Outreach and Recruitment_18-19_Survey Results.pdf
- Public Information_17-18_Program Review.pdf
- Public Information_17-18_Survey Results.pdf
- Registrar_19-20_Action Plan.pdf
- Registrar_19-20_Program Review.pdf
- Registrar_19-20_Survey Results.pdf
- Small Business Development Center_21-22_Action_Plan.pdf
- Small Business Development Center_21-22_Program Review.pdf
- Small Business Development Center_21-22_Survey Results.pdf
- Student Services_20-21_Program Review.pdf
- Student Services_20-21_Survey Results.pdf
- Testing Center_21-22_Action Plan.pdf
- Testing Center_21-22_Program Review.pdf
- Testing Center_21-22_Survey Results.pdf
- Title IX and Student Conduct_17-18_Action Plan.pdf
- Title IX and Student Conduct_17-18_Program Review.pdf
- Title IX and Student Conduct_17-18_Survey Results.pdf
- TRiO_19-20_Action Plan.pdf
- TRiO_19-20_Program Review.pdf
- TRiO_19-20_Survey Results.pdf
- Tutoring Center_21-22_Action Plan.pdf
- Tutoring Center_21-22_Program Review.pdf
- Tutoring Center_21-22_Survey Results.pdf
- Veteran Services_17-18_Action Plan.pdf
- Veteran Services_17-18_Program Review.pdf
- Veterans Services_17-18_Survey Results.pdf
- Veterans Services_22-23_Action Plan.pdf
- Veterans Services_22-23_Program Review.pdf
- Veterans Services_22-23_Survey Results.pdf