Student Code of Conduct

The student code of conduct ("code") maintains the integrity of the college mission and promotes a safe learning environment. Unwillingness or inability of a student to abide by the code may result in disciplinary actions.

The College expects a culture of respect free from harassment and bullying and similar behaviors, whether verbal or physical. Students shall:

  • Be responsible college citizens, respecting the dignity, rights and freedoms of others, individual dierences, and diversity.
  • Practice academic honesty. Students shall not cheat, plagiarize, or steal examinations or course material.
  • Not obstruct or disrupt teaching or authorized college activities and functions on college premises or at college-sponsored events, or in the community.
  • Not make unauthorized entry to or use of college facilities or block access to or egress from such areas.
  • Not participate in physical or verbal abuse or behave in a manner that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person on college premises or at college- sponsored functions. Students shall not participate in sexual or other harassment of any member of the college community, or display conduct that is disorderly, lewd, or obscene.
  • Respect the property of others. Students shall not steal or damage college property or that of a member of the College community or a visitor to the College.
  • Use college supplies, equipment, and funds only as authorized by College employees.
  • Not use, possess, or distribute alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals, substances, instruments, or other weapons or items that can be used to inict bodily harm or material damage on college premises or at college-sponsored functions. Exception: prior written approval may be requested by the College for in-class display or demonstration; see "Marijuana, Alcohol, and Controlled Substances" in the Student Handbook.
  • Comply with directions of college officials acting in the performance of their duties, including requests to provide identification. Students shall not violate college policies or regulations, nor any local, state, or federal laws or regulations.
  • Refrain from use of tobacco and related products on college premises or at college-sponsored events other than as permitted in designated areas. See "Smoking and Tobacco" in the Student Handbook.
  • Not have cell phones, pagers, or other electronic devices on audible response while in classrooms, the Learning Resource Center, or other learning environments.
  • Not knowingly give false information to the College, or forge, alter, or misuse college documents, records, or identification.


Expressive Conduct Guidelines

Approved by President's Council on 10/23/2017


Klamath Community College (KCC) fully supports open expression and free speech by students and the public. This is called "expressive conduct" and includes speech, literature distribution, displays/signs, petition circulation, vigils, and other forms of free expression. Except in cases where evidence exists of the potential for material and substantial disruption of the learning environment or campus operations (including, but not limited to, infringing on the rights of others), KCC does not regulate the content of expressive conduct; however, in order to maintain safety and the college mission, KCC does regulate the time, place and manner of these activities on college property.

Members of the public who are interested in reserving space at KCC for a free speech or expressive conduct activity should review the guidelines below before submitting the KCC facility use form (found online at

  • Designated spaces are available on all KCC properties
  • Space is available on a first-come, first-serve basis
  • You must submit the KCC facility use form 3-30 days in advance
Expressive conduct guidelines

Purpose and authority
One of the ways KCC fulfills its mission is in maintaining an environment that enables the free exchange of ideas without regard to the viewpoint expressed, yet ensures that the educational environment for delivering accessible, quality education is preserved for the students and communities we serve.

Authority to regulate access to its property is provided to KCC by ORS 341.290 and affirmed through Board of Education Policy 305.4100 - Use of College Facilities and Equipment. In exercising its authority, KCC seeks to avoid regulating content of expressive conduct at applicable sites except in cases where it deems there is evidence of the potential for material and substantial disruption of the learning environment or campus operations. Under its authority, KCC seeks to regulate only time, place, and/or manner of expressive conduct in order to maintain its ability to carry out the College's educational mission without interruption and to ensure safety.

This college document is intended to specify the criteria that KCC will apply in exercising this authority.

This policy applies to property KCC owns, leases, rents, or otherwise occupies. In the case of leases and rentals, it applies only to the spaces KCC actually rents and not the larger property. This policy is not intended to regulate KCC-owned property for which KCC has granted easements to other public agencies or that KCC has leased to other public or private entities. The rationale for this is that KCC does not have operating control of these properties.

Definition of expressive conduct
Expressive conduct includes speech, non-verbal expression, literature distribution, displays and signs, petition circulation, vigils, and other forms of free expression.

KCC forums of public expression
This defines the "place" within which public expression occurs at KCC as a "forum." The following identifies types of forums at KCC.

Traditional public forums
Public sidewalks and city rights of way adjoining a KCC site are considered traditional public forums. Examples include the sidewalks on the periphery of most KCC sites. Expressive conduct on these sites is not regulated by KCC, but may be regulated by other public entities. KCC reserves the right to address conduct that substantially disrupts or may substantially disrupt KCC’s educational activities even if it occurs on property KCC does not control.

Non-public forums
KCC’s buildings and virtual infrastructure are created for the purpose of providing instruction and educational services to students, and the necessary college support for those services. Accordingly, these spaces are non-public forums and are not forums for expressive conduct. These spaces (physical or virtual) include:
  • Classrooms, laboratories, shops, and all instructional preparation areas
  • Recreational fields, tracks, and other outdoor areas designated for physical education
  • Service areas and resource centers
  • Libraries and theaters
  • Faculty, staff, and administrative offices
  • Infrastructure systems spaces (shops, warehouses, electrical rooms, mechanical rooms, IT rooms, etc.)
  • Parking lots, roadways, driveways, garages, bus/shuttle stops and shelters, and entrances/exits to buildings
  • Restrooms and hallways
  • Food service and dining areas
  • Infrastructure devoted to ADA accommodation needs (ramps, lifts, etc.)
  • Farms, gardens, and solar array areas
  • Bulletin boards other than those specified as designated public forum areas
  • College printed publications (catalogs, schedules, journals, magazines, etc.)
  • College electronic administrative, instructional, communication, or information systems (email, Jenzabar, MyKCC, Canvas, etc.)
  • Any generally designated public forum that is in use for a specific College or KCC student sponsored activity or event
Designated public forums
Certain areas of KCC-owned property are designated public forums. KCC recognizes the importance of social discourse and the free exchange of ideas in areas generally available to students and the community. These areas provide visibility and allow communication with a large number of people, and are not likely to disrupt educational and other activities central to fulfilling the mission of the college. In these areas the College shall enact administrative procedures necessary to reasonably regulate the time, place, and manner of the free expression only. Areas considered generally available to students and the community include:
  • External facilities spaces (outside of buildings). Most space outside KCC buildings that is not specifically identified as a non-public forum is considered generally available to students and the community and thus considered as designated public forums, as long as expression complies with limitations and prohibited activities (identified below).
  • Internal facilities spaces (inside of buildings). KCC identifies certain physical spaces inside of buildings that are, practically speaking, generally available to students and the community and may be available for free expression activities, as long as expression complies with limitations and prohibited activities (identified below).
  • Bulletin boards. KCC identifies bulletin boards for designated Public Forum use in posting materials. These bulletin boards are marked "For General Use" and located in areas generally available to students and the community. All materials must bear the name and contact information of the organization or individual distributing the materials and is limited in size, duration of posting, and lawfulness of content. All print material for posting on bulletin boards must be approved and stamped at the Reception Desk in Founders Hall prior to posting.
  • Virtual spaces. There are times when KCC specifically identifies electronic media venues that invite public comment, such as blogs, story walls, or webpages hosted through These virtual spaces are considered designated public forums for the purpose of social discourse and the exchange of ideas.
Limitations related to the use of designated public forums
  • User must provide notification and obtain approval from the College for use of designated public forum space through the KCC facility use form process.
  • User must fully understand that KCC approval for use of designated public forum space does not indicate agreement of KCC, its board of education, officers, employees, or students with the content expressed during the use of such designated public forum space.  User agrees that approval of such use does not indicate endorsement or sponsorship of the approved activity, and in no manner may the user advertise the activity or its content of in such a way to suggest or indicate endorsement or sponsorship by KCC without express written approval.
  • Use will conform to the site or the College’s normal operating hours.
  • Use of space may not impede the passage of others or operations of the College.
  • Users will not force or coerce any individual to take materials or sign petitions, nor make physical contact with individuals.
  • Internal facilities space use will generally be limited to one table and two chairs due to space constraints and desire to assure greater access to space. Users may not bring extra tables, chairs, rack or display devices that extend the allocated space.
  • User will not require the College to provide special support services or insurance coverage. Should an activity require the College to provide special support or to incur costs, the user must be willing to pay for such services or costs.
  • KCC reserves the right to close or temporarily limit use of any designated public forum area for a college or KCC student sponsored activity/event OR for health, safety, or welfare considerations.
  • KCC may disapprove, or discontinue at any time during the event, any activity which in the determination of KCC administration demonstrates the potential for material and substantial disruption of the learning environment or campus operations.
Prohibited activities in designated public forums
  • Any activity that disrupts the ability of the College to fulfill its mission of instruction and related services and business operations. Examples include, but are not limited to, excessive noise, impeding traffic or pedestrian movement, and unlawful conduct.
  • Any activity that may damage college property.
  • Leaving trash, litter, pollutants, or other materials in any area.
  • Distribution/solicitation by placing materials on vehicles.
  • Fraud or misrepresentation of self/organization or misrepresentation/implication that the College sponsors, supports, or endorses any view, belief, statement, literature, company, product, or service being disseminated or exhibited.
  • Any activity in violation of the KCC policy on student conduct.
  • Any violation of the College’s non-discrimination/non-harassment policy.
Space use application and user agreement
Individuals or groups wishing to engage in speech or expressive activities in designated public forums shall provide notification and agreement with terms of use through the KCC facility use form (found online at In general, submission is required at least 3 days, and no more than 30 business days, in advance of desired space use. Exceptions to the notification period are made for expressive conduct activities in external facilities spaces that do not require table/chairs or other space set-up and for bulletin board postings.

Notification must include the name and contact information of the individual or group and describe the nature of the activities. As appropriate, requests should be made for desired time of use and specific geographical location within designated public forum space. Approvals are made on a first-come, first-serve basis after review of request for any conflict with prior-approved expressive conduct and/or college sponsored events.

Special consideration for KCC student organizations
In addition to the general right of access to designated public forum spaces, any recognized KCC student club or organization may seek to reserve the use of specific areas by completing the KCC facility use form at least one day in advance. Recognized student clubs and organizations will have priority over other persons seeking specific space use.

Campus administration, in partnership with KCC campus safety and security, shall enforce the provisions of this policy. Any person failing to comply with this policy may be denied use of facilities for purposes of free expression.

Dispute resolution
Any person or recognized student organization who believes unlawful, unreasonable, or arbitrary limitations have been imposed on any of their speech or other expressive activities under this policy may file a formal complaint through the KCC complaint process, found at

College-sponsored vigils
From time to time, KCC receives requests for the College to officially coordinate, support, or sponsor a vigil for an individual or group that has a direct connection to the institution. In such cases, the request will be reviewed by KCC administration but must meet the following criteria:
The subject of the vigil must:
  • Have been a member or supporter of KCC;
  • Have made a recognizable impact to a significant portion of the KCC community;
  • Have been in good standing (academically and conduct-related) at the time of their death.
Requests for college-sponsored vigils may be made via email to the vice president of student and personnel services, or the KCC President’s designee.

If a request for a college-sponsored vigil is not approved, the requestor has the option to continue with a memorial event on campus through the submission of the facilities use form and the payment of appropriate rental fees. The non-approval of a vigil request does not prohibit the event from taking place, but designates it as one that is not KCC-sponsored. In these cases, the requester agrees that any such vigil on campus does not indicate endorsement or sponsorship of the activity, and in no manner may the user advertise the vigil or its content of in such a way to suggest or indicate endorsement or sponsorship by KCC.