Inclusive Career Advancement Program (ICAP) is a DHS - Vocational Rehabilitation program. Participants must be enrolled in VR services to be considered for ICAP.
How can Inclusive Career Advancement Program (ICAP) help you?
1 in 5 students have a disability that may present a barrier to attaining sustainable employment. The Inclusive Career Advancement Program (ICAP) aims to provide accommodations to these barriers by supplying individualized academic and career support to students with disabilities. ICAP’s ultimate goal is always for students to achieve competitive integrated employment (CIE) upon credentials completion
What is CIE you may ask? Let’s break it down!
ICAP students attain positions that are:
- Competitive: Merit-based, equal opportunity, market-driven, performance standards
- Integrated: Inclusivity, non-segregated
- Employment: Compensation, job stability, career growth
Who Qualifies for ICAP?
To qualify for ICAP, students must:
- Have a diagnosed disability that presents a barrier to employment
- Be a client with ODHS Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services
- Be enrolled in postsecondary education at KCC, preferably seeking stackable credentials in a career pathway
Not familiar with VR?
VR is a government program for those whose diagnosed disability presents a barrier to employment. VR is for those who want supports in identifying and attaining a reasonable certified integrated employment (CIE) goal. Some clients need to attend post-secondary education to be able to attain their desired CIE. ICAP provides on-campus supports to these student-clients and updates VR on their progress. Students can connect with ICAP to receive a referral for VR services.
What Kind of Supports does ICAP Provide?
KCC has an on-campus ICAP Career Coach who supports students with:
- Connecting to on-campus and community resources
- One-on-one academic and emotional check-ins
- Individualized career-readiness support
- Job searching and applications
- Interview practice
- Other employment related skills
- Communication support with VR Counselors to ensure employment opportunities upon credentials completion
- Encouraging and supporting students so they can be the best they can be!