TRiO offers a number of services that are available only to TRiO members. All of the services provided through the program are free. These services include:
Academic Support
- Professional tutoring
- Computers accessible only to TRiO students
- Academic advising
- Academic workshops such as learning strategies, exploring majors, calculator use, study skills
- Transfer assistance
Personal Support
- One-on-one support around issues affecting academic performance
- Workshops on topics such as adjusting to college, stress management, and life after graduation
- Peer support, guidance and community building
Financial Support
- Workshops on managing finances and budgeting
- FAFSA filing assistance
- Financial literacy
- Assistance with scholarship application and research
Cultural & Social Activities
- Regular events provide an opportunity to connect with other program participants and to enhance cultural awareness. Some of the past events have included the Shakespeare Festival, Linkville plays, etiquette dinner, and Ross Ragland events.