Facilities Use Form

Fees for KCC facilities

Fees are for events scheduled during regular operating hours when College support staff are on duty.

Types of use:
  • Type I: Klamath Community College sanctioned clubs and organizations and educational partners.
  • Type II: Community service organizations, government, education and non-profit organizations recognized under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service code or as determined to be eligible by the Executive Vice President of Administrative Services.
  • Type III: All others, including businesses, individuals and for-profit organizations.
Location Type I Type II Type III
Classroom No charge $135/day
$67.50/half day
$90/half day
KCC Conference Center
(Building 7)
No charge $300/day
$180/half day
$275/half day
Computer Lab
(rooms 6229, 813, 815)
No charge $180/day
$90/half day
$120/half day
(Building 4 room 402)
No charge $450/day
$250/half day
$360/half day
Lobby of Health Sciences Building No charge $150/day
$90/half day
$115/half day
Additional charges will apply for set-up, tear-down, clean-up and for opening and closing after normal College operating hours.

Charges will be based on $35 per hour for custodians and $40 per hour for facilities technician.

Deposits may be required for some events and uses.

The College reserves the right to deny use of College facilities, equipment, or materials for purposes not conducive to the interests of the College, its employees, students or community as a whole.