Associate of Arts, Oregon Transfer - Fire Ecology Emphasis

Fire ecology is a scientific discipline that studies the relationships between fire, ecosystems, and organisms. It explores how fire influences the structure and functioning of ecosystems, including the adaptations of plants and animals to fire, as well as the role of fire in nutrient cycling and habitat maintenance. Fire ecology recognizes that fire is a natural and essential ecological process in many ecosystems, shaping landscapes and promoting biodiversity. Researchers in this field examine the ecological impacts of both natural and human-induced fires, aiming to understand and manage the complex interactions between fire and the environment.

For more information regarding credentialing and accreditation please see the Accreditation page.

This program may provide prior learning credit and extended learning opportunities for persons previously or currently employed in related professions.

For more information see the Credit for Prior Learning page.

Available Degrees and Certificates with Curriculum Maps

Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer (AA-OT)

  • Associate of Arts, Oregon Transfer (AAOT) - Fire Ecology Emphasis (catalog)


What does a transfer degree mean?

The Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer (AAOT) degree prepares students to transfer to an Oregon university with the guarantee that the student has met all of the lower-division general education requirements for the Oregon universities.

Upon acceptance at an Oregon university, the student is given “junior status” for registration purposes.

The AAOT does not guarantee admissions into specific departments or programs and does not guarantee admission into the student’s Oregon university of choice.

Careers in Fire Ecology

Median Annual Salary

  • United States:
  • Oregon State:
  • Klamath  Region:

2021-2030 Employment Projection

24% Growth

Entry Level Educational Requirements:

High School Diploma

Prospective Jobs

Forest Fire Inspectors and Prevention Specialists Fire Inspectors and Investigators Foresters
Forest and Conservation Technicians Conservation Technician Firefighters


All data was gathered from the State of Oregon Employment Department and Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Data provided for a Forest Fire Inspectors and Prevention Specialists position. For a different employment forecast please visit the State of Oregon Employment Department.

Contact Fire Ecology

Preston Hundley
Fire Ecology Program Lead