Student verification
Klamath Community College maintains an effective identity verification process for students enrolled in online courses and programs to establish that the student enrolled in the online course or program is the same person whose achievements are evaluated and credentialed. The institution ensures that the identity verification process for online students protects student privacy and that students are informed, in writing at the time of enrollment, of current and projected charges associated with the identity verification process.
Students working online have unique accounts in KCC’s student portal (MyKCC) and the password-protected learning management system, Canvas. The student management system routinely updates the learning management system’s database to ensure that changes to student information are properly reflected in both locations. All students receive a unique student identification (SID) number and password to access the campus network, learning management system, and other resources for instructional purposes. Students are directed to change their password upon initial entry into the portal using at least eight characters and to include upper and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters. In order for college staff to modify account information, the student must present identification in the form of the SID number, email address, and full name (on record with KCC).
Instructors who teach online courses and are not located at KCC have the option of using campus resources to have their tests proctored in person, at which time a photo ID is required. KCC will have a contract with Proctor 360 by fall term, whereby online course instructors will be encouraged to have at least one online test proctored by them. Proctor 360 will verify student identity through their processes, which requires the student to present a valid ID. A remote proctor will monitor students during the exam. The institution plans to evaluate new measures for identity verification and implement practical measures as they become available.
Academic integrity
The Academic Integrity Policy applies to all modalities including: face-to-face, hybrid, synchronous, and online. All students shall practice academic integrity and are expected to do their own work. Students who intentionally or unintentionally:
- represent someone else’s work or ideas as their own without citation (plagiarism),
- utilize inappropriate or prohibited aids for an examination or graded assignment including but not limited to others answers, notes, phone or other electronic devices, test files, etc.,
- obtain inappropriate or prohibited materials before an examination or graded assignment including but not limited to test questions, test answers, instructor files, etc. (cheating),
Students may challenge an instructor’s accusation of academic integrity by submitting a formal student complaint form (formal). These forms are available on-line via the KCC website. First-time academic integrity complaints will be decided upon by the Vice President of Academic Affairs. Should the Vice President of Academic Affairs or the student desire to further pursue the matter, either may refer the incident to the conduct process for a hearing with the possibility of college suspension and/or expulsion. Second time violations of the academic integrity policy are generally forwarded to the KCC student conduct process.
Special notes regarding plagiarism - Students shall not hand in work from another class (previous or concurrent) without explicit instructor permission from both classes. Instructors will submit a selection of papers each term for an internal/external review in order to provide analysis and information on potential student plagiarism.