Add/Drop/Withdraw from Class(es)

Adding and Dropping Classes

Students should try to add and drop classes online whenever possible. New students can register in person or online with help from a Student Services Advisor. If you register in person, make sure to submit an add/drop form to Student Services in Founders Hall by the deadline. If you want to add a class after the first meeting, you will need the instructor’s approval. You cannot add any classes after the first week of the term.

Be aware that adding or dropping classes might affect your financial aid or veteran benefits, so check with Financial Aid or Veterans Services. After the drop deadline, you are responsible for paying for all the classes you are enrolled in and for the grades you earn. You can withdraw from classes by the withdrawal deadline, but you will not get a refund. 

Online registration is only available to students who have enrolled in a class at KCC before. Before registering online, you must meet with an advisor. Before registering online, students are required to meet with an advisor. For online registration, KCC must have the student’s correct full name, Social Security number, and date of birth in the computer system. If you have any holds on your account, you will not be able to register online until they are cleared. 

If you do not have internet access, computers are available in the Learning Resource Center in Founders Hall, as well as study areas in Building 6 and the Work Skills Technology Center.

Important: If you do not attend or stop attending a course, you will not be automatically dropped from it. You must submit the official forms to Student Services. Instructors might notify Student Services to drop students who do not attend or participate in class, but it is your responsibility to make sure your classes are officially dropped from your record.


Withdrawing from Class(es)

Students need to officially withdraw from classes by completing the Add/Drop/Withdrawal from and meet with  Student Services by the deadline. If you just stop going to class without officially dropping it, you will get a failing grade or a grade based on the work you completed. Withdrawals (W grades) will appear on your transcript, but they are better than failing grades. 

If you decide to withdraw, make sure to meet with Student Services to confirm that your withdrawal is recorded. They can also help you check for any outstanding charges or fees and tell you if you need to repay any financial aid.

Important: Even though instructors may notify Student Services to drop students who do not show up during the first week of a term, it is still your responsibility to make sure the drop is officially completed. If you do not, you could still be billed for the class and get a failing grade.


Is Course Attendance Mandatory?

Yes! You should try to attend all of your in-person courses and log into your course(s) in Canvas at least once per week. If you are enrolled in online courses, we recommend logging into Canvas daily.

During the first week of the term, a student may be dropped from a class by the instructor for non-attendance OR failure to complete assignments. (View the KCC Institutional Syllabus for more information.)

Students who stop attending but do not officially drop, withdraw or notify the Registrar office, receive the grade that they earned based on syllabus requirements. If that grade is F, Incomplete, or NP the instructor must enter the last date of attendance on the online grade roster.

In an online class, the last date of attendance is the last day that a student engaged in academically related activity such as submitting an assignment or a test.  It is not the last date the student logged on, but did not submit assigned work.